Currently crushing on these Perspex boots i bought from! I bought them when they were in the sale! such a bargain, they are currently no longer in sale but the price is still great for the quality of the boots and packaging they come with! A shoe bag is also included, i think i have found my new favourite shoe retailer.
Perspex heels made their first appearance at the Kanye West Fashion show collections, specifically the second season as seen on kim Kardashian out and about in some pictures below. The Yeezus ones are currently sold out so these ones Lamoda are offering look very similar and are a lot more affordable as well, can't go wrong with that one bit.
Below my boots i bought from
The heels below are perspex heels but a different design to the boots so give a very different sleek effect when worn on the feet which looks just as amazing as the boots.

Christian Dior have also designed boots with a similar look, the see through heel. They look good but i personally prefer the Yeezus design.
What do you think, any thoughts and opinions let me know below in the comments section
Much Love