What is your favorite holiday destination and why?
Paris is my favorite place ever to go on holiday it's such a beautiful destination to go to, i first went to Paris with my family a very very long time ago, i think i was about eight or seven years old and we visited Disney land which absolutely the best experience ever especially since it was in the winter season and was snowing!! i definitely want to visit Paris again but maybe in the summer or spring season as i have already experienced it in the cold season, as i do think that Paris would be even more extravagant and beautiful in the warmer times of the year too! i loved every minute of the visit and i brought back quite a few souvenirs.
Other than your favorite holiday destination, if you could go anywhere in the world right now where would you go?
if i could go anywhere in the world right now it would definitely be Rome in Italy, its just so ancient and beautiful, and i love the boats that people there use to travel to the next street or shop where as in the UK you either walk or use a car, it is very different and i would love to experience the beautiful ruins of buildings and the culture of Italy!
5 essential holiday items that you can’t live without?
the five essential holiday items that i could not live without would be my sunglasses, my headphones, concealer, eye liner and the most important sun screen!
What would be your top five songs on your holiday playlist?
the five songs that are a definite must have on my play list are the following:
1) Bob Marley - The sun is shining
2) Lana Del Ray - Blue Jeans
3) Crazy town - Butterfly
4) Tupac - So many tears
5) Biggie - Hypnotize
If you could go on holiday with 2 Celebrity’s which Celebrity’s would you go with?
The two celebrities that i would go on holiday with would be Zac Efron and Kim Kardashian

Your favorite holiday hair style?
My favorite holiday hairstyle is when my hair has naturally dried from washing my hair, and just left out either in a side parting, middle parting, pulled back or a very high pony tail. i do not really like to add hair products to my hair when i am on holiday especially in very hot destinations, maybe in cooler destinations i may add some product but the majority of the time i don't on holiday, i leave it natural.
That is the end of the tag, i hope you enjoyed finding out my holiday must haves and experience in Paris, i would like to tag anyone that would like to do this tag, please feel free to do so! i also tag +Jessica Allen +Claire Burgess +Purple Ivy +Riv Elle +Adriana Perez +Saida Cane +Hollie Ryan +Anne-Charlotte Moreau
Much love x
So glad that you've done the tag, it's interesting to hear other peoples views about their favourite places to travel! Never been to Rome but it seems like such a beautiful place x
yes i am glad i did it! x